Is it really in your child’s best interest to stay with you once you’ve finalized your divorce? It’s a tricky question – one that you, your ex-spouse and your child may have different answers for. When there are differences in opinion, does the state hold one higher...
Benefits of bird nesting for co-parenting post-divorce
New York divorce proceedings can be traumatic for the adults going through it. It can also be tough on any kids involved. This trauma can undermine the children’s sense of bonding, stability and safety. However, a relatively new co-parenting approach is aimed at...
Child custody laws in New York
When couples with children decide to divorce, the well-being of their kids should take top priority. However, those in New York facing such a scenario may be unsure as to the types of custody awarded and how the court determines what is best for the children. The...
Tips for dealing with divorce involving children
When children are involved in the divorce process, this can make a couple’s marital breakup even more challenging. Not only do the two parents have to deal with their own emotional challenges resulting from divorce, but they also have to help their children through...