Holiday time is full of family parties and obligations. It’s hard enough to have your children see everyone and go everywhere you feel they should as a married couple. When you’re separated or divorced, it’s twice as hard because now you are dividing the children’s...
The Holidays can be tough…
The Holidays are a wonderful and loved filled time of the year, but they can be a particularly difficult time for people struggling with a bad marriage or relationship. Many people tell themselves they can “keep it together” until the new year before deciding to stay...
Divorce – You have Options
Divorce is never a happy time for the people who are going through it. Yet litigating your divorce can make a bad situation even worse! When you litigate your divorce you basically give up your ability to control the outcome. When you litigate your divorce you give...
The definition of the word “parent” has changed (Legally speaking)
On August 30, 2016 the highest court in New York State expanded and changed the definition of the word “parent”. In two companion decisions the New York State Court of Appeals decided that a person lacking both a biological connection, or an adoptive connection to a...
Common misconceptions about Divorce, Separation and Mediation Part 2
Some people think mediation is only right for those who have already decided and agreed how they are going to divide everything- including the kids. The reality is that mediation works for people who don’t know how they want to divide their marital estate or what...
Common misconceptions about divorce, separation and mediation
When it comes to Divorce and Separation, there are many common misconceptions and bad information out there for people to sift through. With this series of blog posts I hope to bring these misconceptions to light and give you the information you need if you find...
An introduction to Mediation
If you’ve come to the unfortunate conclusion that your marriage has failed and cannot be repaired, consider divorce mediation instead of litigation. As an attorney mediator, over the last 20 years I’ve helped countless families avoid the cost and stress of litigated...