Teenage children often have a difficult time processing things when their parents divorce. This can happen when they get blindsided by the divorce, but it can also happen even if they never saw the split coming. Fortunately, divorcing parents with teenage children in New York can follow a couple of steps to help their children to navigate this life change in a healthy manner.
Emotional, physical support are important
Parents who are working through a divorce should try to acknowledge their teenagers’ feelings throughout the process. Teens facing these issues may be angry, confused, irritable, anxious or even guilty. It is imperative that parents encourage their kids to let these feelings out, as this is an important part of processing the divorce and its impact on their lives.
Another approach is to provide activity-related outlets to help the teens deal with their emotions. Walking, hiking, running, basketball or even boxing are good examples. In fact, exercise offers the benefit of helping kids channel any divorce-related stress into positive energy.
Where to turn for help and support during these times
For New York parents about to go through divorce proceedings, seeking the help of an experienced family law attorney early on can be critical as well. An attorney can help a divorcing parent to make educated decisions regarding how to best handle matters such as child support and child custody. The lawyer will work diligently toward a settlement that reflects the client’s best wishes and, most importantly, the best interests of the children.