Divorce can have a major emotional impact on children of all ages, but young children particularly find it difficult to handle. If they feel forced to take a side between Dad and Mom, this can make the process even more difficult for them. Fortunately, by following a...
How divorcing parents can protect their children
The process of getting divorced in New York can no doubt be overwhelming for the two parties involved. However, if they have children together, this process can also be an emotional and mental roller coaster for them. Here are a few things that parents can do to help...
A look at what happens to debt during divorce
The divorce process is never easy, especially when debt is involved. However, knowing what will happen to one’s finances during the divorce process can help with navigating the marital dissolution process. Here are a couple of important things to know about how debts...
A glimpse at the multi-step process of divorce
Getting a divorce is never easy, even if it seems amicable between two parties at the start. This is because the process can be complicated to navigate from a financial and legal standpoint. Here is a rundown on how the process of divorce works in New York and what to...
Child custody laws in New York
When couples with children decide to divorce, the well-being of their kids should take top priority. However, those in New York facing such a scenario may be unsure as to the types of custody awarded and how the court determines what is best for the children. The...
How divorce differs depending on the length of one’s marriage
When couples in New York contemplate getting divorced, they may naturally wonder whether getting divorced after a decade of marriage or waiting until the two-decade mark may make the most sense. The reality is that divorce presents unique challenges for couples at...
Tips for making divorce as smooth as possible
When people in Illinois get divorced, they may naturally have questions about the process and what they can expect. Specifically, what will they face emotionally, and how can they cope with these challenges? Here are a couple of tips for navigating the divorce process...
Healthy communication can make the divorce process easier
Ending a marriage can understandably be an emotionally challenging process for both the divorcing spouses and their young children. However, proper communication may help to make the marital dissolution process smoother. Here are a couple of tips for keeping...
How to keep a divorce from ruining a credit score
A New York divorce can no doubt impact a person’s financial obligations and habits, and this can, in turn, affect the individual’s credit score. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for newly divorced individuals to notice a decline in their credit scores. However, a...
Tips for dealing with divorce involving children
When children are involved in the divorce process, this can make a couple’s marital breakup even more challenging. Not only do the two parents have to deal with their own emotional challenges resulting from divorce, but they also have to help their children through...